Breathe Deep: A Daily Devotional

Breathe Deep: A Daily Devotional

Breathe. An automatic action our body performs. We sleep all night without telling ourselves to breathe, but we wear smart watches that notify us when we are breathless.

On one of my visits to the massage therapist, my biggest complaint resulted from pain radiating from my ribs. As she pressed into my tight muscles, she discovered my diaphragm had retracted up under my lower rib cage.

“You aren’t breathing deep, or maybe, holding your breath,” she said.

Too many times last year, the smartwatch vibrated, and instead of a message from a friend, it reminded me to breathe. Do you ever feel short of breath due to exertion, excitement, or other strong feelings? Did you see the notification reminding you to breathe last year?

Look Back

What were your circumstances? Reflect on 2023. Write down the moments where you needed to breathe deeper:

 Now, think of a moment when you breathed deeper. How were you different from the times you were breathless? Write down what the Lord reveals to you in your reflection.

Inhale and exhale—the act of breathing produces life for our body and life for the environment around us. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. The plants and trees convert our exhale to the oxygen we need. Humans and vegetation thrive on breathing for a mutually beneficial relationship. Throughout scripture, we see the connection of life to breathing.

 Learn Truth

Read Genesis 2:7. What happened to man when God breathed? __________________ The breath God blew into Adam gave him his spirit or soul and brought him to life.

Read Ezekiel 37:1-10. What happens because of breath or breathing in verses 5, 9, and 10?

 The Lord walked Ezekiel through this vision to show him the reality of the house of Israel (Ezek. 37:11-14). God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to them. What did God put within them, and what happened in verse 14?

 Read John 10:10. Why did Jesus come? _______________________________________

As our body needs to inhale and exhale oxygen to live and function properly, the spirit of man must spiritually breathe to experience a life of the greatest quality in Jesus.

In John 20, Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection. Read John 20:21-22. What did Jesus do and say to his disciples? ___________________________________________

 Read Acts 5:32 and John 14:16, 25-26. Who do we receive as a child of God? _________________________________________________________________________

The Holy Spirit is our Helper for spiritual breathing.

 As you think about inhaling spiritually, read Ephesians 5:18. Paul gives two commands in this verse. What is the second one? 

In the original text, Paul’s command means continual control by the Holy Spirit—an ongoing power within us unhindered by anything. What hinders a deep breath of Holy Spirit power? What keeps us from experiencing the spiritual life of the greatest quality that Jesus gives us?

Read John 1:9 and Hebrews 12:1. What must we exhale through confession? ____________________________ How does Hebrews describe it? ___________________ From your reflection on 2023, is there anything you need to exhale through the action of prayer for you to experience an abundant life to its fullest? Pray and confess it.

When we, Christians, forget to exhale, we are spiritually breathless. Through Jesus, we have eternal life, and the Holy Spirit seals our salvation (Eph. 4:30). However, we walk around in pain with retracted diaphragms because we haven’t fully exhaled our sin and inhaled the power available.

In a world of material things, our smart watch or phone reminds us to breathe, go to a doctor’s appointment, or take our child to a music lesson. More importantly, in our spiritual life, the Holy Spirit inhabits us. He encourages us to exhale the unkind word in confession and to inhale his forgiveness through Jesus. He strengthens us to exhale our disappointment and inhale hope for our future. He enables us to release last year’s failures and to inhale sufficient grace. He teaches us to exhale anything that hinders us and to inhale the truth He offers us. He works in step with God’s purpose for us.

Read Romans 8:29 and 1 Corinthians 15:49. Whose image do you bear, and what is God’s purpose for you? 

As image bearers of Jesus, God’s purpose is to conform us to the image of Christ. Because the Holy Spirit willingly works on your behalf, how can you participate with him in 2024? Ask yourself this question. How can my goals for 2024 participate with God in conforming me to his image?

Move Forward

List a couple of actions you can take to participate with God. Think about how your goals for this year mutually benefit you and God’s Kingdom and conform you to the image of Jesus. Write down one or two goals.

Complete this sentence for each goal to apply spiritual breathing. Get as specific as possible.

The power of the Holy Spirit helps me_____________________________________,

when I exhale _________________________ and inhale ______________________________.

 Here is a common New Year Goal that I will use to complete the sentence for you. For example, eating healthier meals benefits you and your family. In 1 Corinthians 3:16, we see this goal benefits the image of Jesus in us. As an image bearer of Jesus, the Holy Spirit dwells in us.

The power of the Holy Spirit gives me self-control over my eating choices when I exhale my desires and inhale his guidance for healthy choices.

© 2024 LaDora LaRegina - A Devotion written and published for Grapevine's First Baptist Women's Retreat January 2024.


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